“It's totally authoritative” Lawrence Weiner
I am afraid of culture
二零一一年秋,我在上環威靈頓街一個私人地方的牆壁上塗上詩句,名為 <隨意地擺>,首次將文字與空間並合,將文字切入空間;或唸時間於鐘前,或說影於燈下,或提起查拉圖斯特如是說於雨前露台窗落間。當時意念是想效法古人,題詩於門前窗下,寫意與空間,只不過製造意境而已。 有說觸景思情,也有望文生義,但眨眼而過,文字又豈是東西?眼前所見一景一物又是東西?然後我想起了許許多多街上無名的Graffiti artists,street artists, 想起了banksy,更想起了曾灶財。
文字是一種概念的載體,比起圖像更有導向性。杜象認為藝術是被語言所主導的系統,語言的意義取決於人類一般共識和用法,而不一定來自作品本身。(Marcel Duchamp brought about an uneasy awareness that art is a system dominated by language and that its meanings are determined by consensus and usage and not necessarily by any quality inherent in the work itself. (Auping, Michael, Universe Series On Women Artists-jenny hozer, 1992))
西方六十年代Joseph Kosuth的理形界定是抽離圖像再現(re-presentation),八十年代Jenny Holzer或brabara kruger 挑戰廣告效果是入世諷喻,到東方九十年代徐冰的 “天書” 是將文字去概念,顛覆中文字的概念載體,在社會制度下顛覆,但他們抽離不到的還是作品主體和制度。然後到二零一零年代,社會經歷了經濟、科技、資訊的變遷,數碼年代,資訊文字可以無遠弗屆,但社會的制度僵化卻日益嚴重,所謂顛覆的理由(rationale),會因為顛覆過了而不成理由,制度的僵化植入了人民都思想,那是軟性暴力的發達,人民對規條麻木(comfortably numb),對顛覆也麻木,對資訊文字也麻木。
“Thought causes more trouble than action” 不是作品
“can we make a work of art that is anti-art?”
“乜也係純藝術?有幾純?”(what is fine art? How fine?)
“我很純” (I am fine)
How great thou art? (how great you are)
Jenny Holzer’s words: confronting and ultimately exploiting the authoritarian voice that comes to us in the simple but convincing message we call “advertising”
The action was done in a hot and wet midnight along the Hollywood Road, uphill, across the Soho district, and then down from the Peel Street. Even though it was supposed to be noisy at the Thursday ladies night for drinkers, the closed and light off galleries stood a bit alone from the crowd, and the whole action was running in a rather tranquil, sweaty, and tense atmosphere.
The time was like frozen with the noise from the crowd tens of steps away. The A4 stencil papers melted down gradually from one gallery to the next with the paint and sweat from the hands, and the statements painted on the wall blurred out from one to another gradually as well.
site specific language
“aesthetic fascism.”
attack art
“can we make a work of art that has no physical substance?”
“can we make a work of art that is anti-art?”
“how great thou art?”
“this is art, this is art, this is”
Of Lawrence Weiner's works Anne Rorimer writes, "The thematic content of individual works derives solely from the import of the language employed, while presentational means and contextual placement play crucial, yet separate, roles."[16]
Language as sculpture
“香港人還有一種習性,就係很喜愛在茶餘飯後,把報章、雜誌、博客上的內容,向朋友重覆一次,把別人的想法,當成自己的;因此中共非常極度熱衷於發放大量的洗腦資訊,以數量優勢去取代質量,實行「劣幣驅逐良幣」的效應,令多數唔關心事情的市民,以垃圾評論的內容,當係自己的想法,從而進行「思想植入」(Inception)。”(林忌, 3.16特首選舉論壇民調解讀 http://plastichk.blogspot.com/2012/03/316.html ,17.3.2012)
The very ultimate ideology of the project is to define the public space.
The beauty of disorder
You can say that they virtually define the ‘aesthetic illusion’ as a device which merely serves to mask the reality that aesthetic judgment is structured by class domination
What’s intrusion?
Abandon art.
Said and unsaid, defined and undefined.
unsaid is
because it is
undefined is undefined because it is indefinable
public figures
how the image embedded in our mind?
As a fleurner
If I were a street artist, I were not.
The very best way to be away from the hypocritical art space/museum/galleries/institute.
detached observer to the city (newspaper cutting) 累積
the juxtapose of words and words on object in the public space.
The relation between man(身處的空間)physical-mind-space-defined words-time
Marcel Duchamp brought about an uneasy awareness that art is a system dominated by language and that its meanings are determined by consensus and usage and not necessarily by any quality inherent in the work itself.
Uncertain realm between words and objects
Sol LeWitt 編輯指令
Straightforward language
Minimalism: detached from the system (極端的分離)
Maximalism: engaged into the system (no boundary between artworks and daily life/object)
介入定義 the intervention to the definition
who has the authority? No one has the authority?
Thought is an art
“what action?”
“stencil painting on wall or other public space”
“talking about defining space and language, e.g., will simply post the word 牆 on the wall/public space/燈/斑馬線..”
“good wor! 破壞公物”
“filled up the whole shit city. Let me do some in tuen mun first. Then the fucking shit CU”
“so many places”
“define them”
“from what?”
“if we ask it to the ultimate end, for every definition, they were defined from nowhere”
Defined from nowhere
“how did u think where to spray?”
“random” “public”
“I thought it was horizon”
“there’re some definitions in it”
“How did u feel?”
“I feel like am going to conquer the world”
“So easy?”
“Yes, just name it”
“why it’s on the ground?” “why it’s on the black side but not on the white?”
“why not?”
“what’s the question for?”
“I thought there are some meaning inside, it’s about intervention of the original objects/location.”
“there should be some mysterious undefined thought inside”
作品編號204619979527, 作品名稱暫命為 <你老母我依家define緊你啊>
when the manipulation over stimulation
when the words juxtaposed with objects.
Alone With Everybody
the flesh covers the bone
and they put a mind
in there and
sometimes a soul,
and the women break
vases against the walls
and the men drink too
and nobody finds the
but keep
crawling in and out
of beds.
flesh covers
the bone and the
flesh searches
for more than
there's no chance
at all:
we are all trapped
by a singular
nobody ever finds
the one.
the city dumps fill
the junkyards fill
the madhouses fill
the hospitals fill
the graveyards fill
nothing else
有無人做件artwork出嚟話佢唔係artwork ka?
what if it is not an art?
What do u mean?
if we can make a ready-made object as art
Why u need to redefine things
then can we make an art to be non-art?
Is hard....first of all "Wht is art?"
seems that will be back to a very fundamental question
not much challenge
If someone throw sth away, then we pick it as art.
The one throw it think that is rubbish; u think that is art.
How to make others think that is art too?
the diff point of view
yes, i am from that line
But need to change sth
More or less than that
more in which way, less in which way
I dunno...
U pick the obj randomly?
Which path are u in
may be i can think in that way
if not random
if there's specific path
but seems a bit not my way
Wht way u wanna go?
just not in a being defined way
Wht are not being defined?
Anything in the world?
Optical illusion (visually)
should it be inside or outside our mind?
Better to be both
what's better
Whats the diff?
shit i have mental problem
What's the diff between inside and outside
Why Anti art
coz it cannot be defined
anti art is paradox
an art that is anti art
This is an art form
which is contradictory
Anti art doing at that moment?
can we make a work of art that is anti-art?
Like a pig on the street?
do u think that can be?
I dunno it's anti art or what?
can it be a process or unanswerable status?
This is art
That's the definition of performing artist
"this is art" can be a statement
can be an art
Undefined definition
“Art is a habit of intellect, developed with practice over time that empowers the artist to make the work right and protects him from deviating from what is good for work. It unites what he is with what his material is. It leads him seek his own depths. Its purpose is not his self-enhancement, his having fun or feeling good about himself. These are byproducts. It aims solely towards bringing a new thing into existence in the truest manner possible. It is about truth and, as such, has to do with ultimate and, as such, posits self-sacrifice and consecration. “ Nell Sonneman, specifically addresses the work of Martin Puryear
internet cognition (virtual space)-liberal vs real world
Fuck art
“these intuitive image expresses nothing else than a system of conceptual relationships which are grasped while the subject sees them as determined relationships between the sensory data. These relations, as sensory data, present themselves as a priori determinations of space.”